Lubochka’s Pink Panties

Our raven-haired Moscow beauty, Lubochka, met us one evening wearing nothing but pink, frilly panties, gold sandals, and black striped solid and sheer stockings. Black hair and slate colored eyes are a stark contrast against her porcelain skin, and pale pink nipples. Her breasts, soft and round against her angular appearance, sit proudly atop a lean torso, studded with a silver belly-button ring. Her tight core yeilds to a rounding of full hips, and her legs look even longer (if that’s possible) than her 5’9″ frame allows.

After stealthily slipping off her frilly panties, Lubochka showed that she has all the grace of a black swan. Stockinged feet as high in the air as a constellation, Lubochka spreads her legs open to reveal a russet red set of lips surrounding a pliable and ruffled clitoris. Striking this pose, against the dramatic backdrop of gold shantung tapestries, Lubochka takes abject sexuality and transforms it into the beauty and mystery of a supernova.

Her mons like a flower which only blossoms at night, Lubochka radiates the grace and exotic sex appeal of a screen siren or a pin-up queen. Settling into doggy position, Lubochka gives us a close-up of her cunny. The cool glass of the table top against her stockinged legs lends a contemporary feel to the lace tops of her garterless hose. The backwards glance this stunning Russian tell us she’s up for anything on this night. What are you waiting for? Just gazing at this celestial beauty isn’t enough! You need more access, the exclusive kind found only on This Astronomy student gave us a stellar performance! Now it’s your turn to feast your eyes on all things Lubochka.

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Updated: May 25, 2011 — 8:00 pm